Online Somatic Coaching and Mentoring
for Space Holders and Change Makers

Create Sustainable ways of being for you and the clients for whom you hold space.
The most powerful way to create sustainable change for you and your clients Somatic coaching reaches far beyond mindset and works deeply and directly with the very cells of your being.
Ready to book a session?
For those who hold others
I work with people who know, deep in their hearts that there is another way for the world to be and are committed to being part of that change in this life.
But this work requires us to go against the grain.
To challenge.
To break patterns.
To actively create space and then protect it.
It asks us to be with the harder parts of humanity.
To understand and be able to hold deep emotions.
And it asks us again and again to work with our own stuff so we can support others with theirs.
Somatic coaching and mentoring supports you, the space-holders and space-makers of the world to do your work in a sustainable, aligned but expansive way.
Backing your deep commitment to a better world.
Guiding you to your deepest wisdom.
Expanding you capacity to feel and allow more.
Connecting you to your purest power.
So you can understand more, love more, be more
Without losing yourself, burning out, collapsing or quitting
Your body has a story to tell
Somatic Coaching helps you acknowledge, accept and choose from a clear place.
That might look like
- Listening to yourself more and learn to trust the choices you make
- Learning how to relax and regulate yourself in times of stress
- Getting clear on your next steps with your work/career/purpose
- Moving away from some habits that are unhelpful for you such as
- people pleasing
- overworking
- not setting supportive boundaries
- Choosing how to navigate a complicated decision or chapter
- Understanding how you want to show up in your key relationships outside of the work you do
- Learning how to live life more fully
And it has layers
The changes that happen in somatic coaching are sustainable and long term because we work in all the layers of who you are.
Your biology - From the DNA you inherit, to the body you have shaped through movement. Your nervous system, immune system, lungs and limbs, the bones of you, all of it is included in this work. Understanding our biology allows us to work with it
Your biography - Have you ever wondered about why you gesture in the way you do, or speak with a particular accent or always arrive early (or late)? The way we talk, walk, connect, make choices are influenced by what has happened to us up until this point. And when we understand this we can begin to honour our biography and work from it.
Your body in context - Just notice how you feel when the sun comes out, you swim in the sea or walk through a cityscape compared to the forest. We do not exist in isolation from the world we inhabit, it has an influence and we are part of it so we work with that too.
You already know
You will know from the difference you feel when you take a few days off, do some exercise or eat a cleaner diet what a difference to your soul and sanity a few changes in the body can make?
You know when you slow down and pay attention you find the answers you are looking for.
So you lead.
Because when you step forward and take responsibility, big change begins to happen
Somatic coaching sessions with me are always lead by you, what you bring to each session and the choices you make.
When together we tap into the skills I bring, garnered from over 20 years of training and devotion to the human body, and foreground the things you already know, the real magic happens.
Sessions may draw on movement and touch techniques, meditation, breathwork, sounds, releasing techniques, ritual, objects, nature, energetic work, talking and coaching.
Add to that the power of being ‘held’, being listened to, being supported, being allowed to just be.
The deep rest, relaxation and refreshment that can come from working in this supported way is part of its effectiveness.
It's personal
This is deeply personal and powerful work. Safe and supported, but undoubtedly intimate so it's important you feel we are a good match.
If you have any questions about the process of somatic coaching, how it works, what it entails, or what it's like to work with me, then book in a call. or book a single session
I would love to connect with you and see if this is a good fit for where you are right now.
Payment plans available for 6 or 12 sessions @ £250 per month.
What can I expect?
A unique way of working that lets you lead
Practices to support and expand your biology
A compassion lead approach that honours your biography
Support to make sustainable choices and changes
Clarity about who you are
Support to take fierce responsibility for who you are.
Ancient and modern somatic practices
Professional integrity, confidentiality.
What do I need to bring?
- A laptop/device with camera + mic
- Water
- Pens and Paper
- A space to move in
- A willingness to try things