About Cat

Hello love.
I am often first / last on the dancefloor - I used to put that at the end of the “about me” but it’s more than an afterthought.
There is a courageous adventurer in me who wants to go first and someone who wants to squeeze every last drop out of life.
And it’s something I forget again and again and something I have to be supported by my own teachers to remember.
I do this work of supporting space holders and space makers to create deeply aligned (and sustainable) action that changes the world, because it makes me feel the most potent and alive and that is what I believe we are here for.
My style is practical, compassionate and deep. I am fully committed to supporting you to find your way.
My work is somatically lead and compassionately held in person circles, retreats, workshops and one to one sessions and online coaching.
Always guiding you to the deeper thing.
Always honouring that you already know what you need to do
And always in remembrance that you already have access to the power you need to do it.
My journey into somatics has been a long adventure.
I was born in the UK in the 70s and first discovered the universe below my mind on the dark smoky dancefloors of the 90s dance music scene in Northern England.
I hold English, Welsh and German heritage and my practices are informed by how I was raised and the DNA of the teachers I have worked with since 2001 - more on that below
In 2013 I began training in a deeply transformative form of body, breath and energy work that’s potency courses through everything I offer.
And in 2020 I learned to share what I do online
I have travelled far and wide internally and externally and lived in the UK and overseas returning to the motherland in recent years to root down and commit to creating a powerful legacy for these times and the times to come.
So you will find me and all the things I have learned over the years - in the UK and online with occasional trips to spread the magic overseas.
I am a certified amanae transformational bodywork practitioner, sacred somatic journeys teacher, massage therapist, reflexologist, energy worker, coach, mentor and guide.
And as well as being first / last on the dancefloor I am also a yogi, meditator, oversharer, altruist, optimist, prolific swearer, misfit and massive fan of quality sounds, crunchy foods and bodies of water.
Glad you found this corner of the internet.
Shall we dive in?
If you want to call in support for yourself and your people, are looking to expand your offering or are curious about somatic work and the role it can play.
Press bio
Cat Moyle | Somatic Guide + Teacher | For SPACEHOLDERS
Supporting conscious leaders and space holders to keep returning to their deepest knowing.
For those that go against the grain, that refuse to accept that this is how it is, that know they have love and energy to give to the world. For those that receive and, crucially, then respond to a deeper call.
Those committed to this work know it comes with resistance, confusion and distraction and downright exhaustion and times when it all feels way too hard as well as the most powerful, potent, mind blowing, heart expanding moments that make it all worth it.
Those are the ones with whom I work, returning with them again and again to their deepest knowing.
To create deeply aligned (and sustainable) action that changes the world.
My support is somatically lead and compassionately held in person retreats, workshops and one to one sessions and online coaching.
After 20+ years of working with bodies as a hands-on therapist, I understand the powerful connection between our bodies and how we do life.
Cat Moyle is a Somatic Guide and Teacher for spaceholders - deeply inspired by more than the mind.
Cat Moyle is an experienced Somatic Guide and Teacher.
She supports space holders to grow confidence in their ability, be guided by their deepest wisdom and fuelled by their innate power, to create aligned (and sustainable) action for a more loving world.
Based in Bristol and working in the South West and Online she has been doing this work for 20+ years. Read more at catmoyle.com
I am fiercely supported and inspired by a network of teachers, mentors, peers and friends. I wholeheartedly understand that part of my work is to share what I learn from them. Here are the ones who currently inspire, support and teach me, speak in ways that makes me stop and listen and generally shine a light in dark corners.
Naomi Absalom - thecollectiveenergies.com/
Laura Oseland - lauraoseland.co.uk/
Michelle Bartolo - michellebartoloyoga.com/
Eric Lipin - amanaeeurope.com/
Tad Hargrave - marketingforhippies.com/
My Mum and Family
Everyone I've ever worked with
The Late, Great Barefoot Doctor - RIP, D.
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