Sacred somatic journeys
Remember your deepest wisdom and reconnect to your world changing power with somatic body/breath/energywork sessions

Sacred Somatic Journeys (FKA Amanae) for a deeper, more powerful experience of life. A dynamic blend of bodywork, breathwork, coaching and fierce self responsibility that supports you to bring the change you seek.
This is deeply profound bodywork to return you to your deepest knowing + world changing power
Sacred Somatic Journeys (an evolution of the Amanae work I have been doing for 10 years) combine touch, breath, sound + energy work.
Each journey is a deep dive into the vast landscape of the body to access the places within that have been disconnected or separated and bring them back into wholeness.
To come in and down through the layers of thought, emotion, energy, biography and ancestry to your -
- Deep Knowing
- Divine Nature
- World Changing Power
For space holders, conscious leaders and those who care deeply, it is a chance to re-anchor into that which pulses through you and allow that to guide you in these times.
“These journeys are not about changing who you are but remembering who you are”.
- L. O.
Each session is unique and created just for you. You can take many journeys; each one will bring new connection and integration, allowing you to bring the deepest parts of you into your life and work.
Sacred Somatic Journeys go deep. These sessions are best suited to people who are willing to take/continue taking responsibility for their life, their impact in the world and ultimately their power.
This work will help you identify and unravel the patterns that get in the way of powerful leadership, such as overthinking, procrastination, perfectionism, people pleasing, imposter syndrome, self doubt, self pity and martyrdom.
It can support you to understand, allow and express (so you don't get sideswiped by) your complex emotional landscape and learn to be guided by it, and in turn support your people to do the same.
The expression of your emotional range can create space in your system so you can hold a more solid space for others in your communities without collapse or resentment.
Commonly people who engage with this work say they feel clearer and lighter afterwards. It can illuminate your blindspots so you can begin to work with them.
It gives you tools to surrender when you need to and be resilient when you don't, which in turn increases your range of available responses. For example it can help you connect with, express and hold boundaries if this has been an area of challenge for you.
It helps you access deep deep compassion for yourself and therefore for others without bypassing fierce self responsibility.
It supports you to receive, to remember you do not have to do this work alone.
Click play, and watch this video, for a flavour of how I work.
But how does it work?
You do life with your body. You move with it, create with it, express yourself with it, feel emotion with it, connect to others with it.
It carries your story, your biography, your choices, your ancestry, your DNA. It holds your mind, your ego, your conscious and unconscious. It is much more than just a physical thing so Sacred Somatic Journeys works on all the layers.
Through touch and breath and coaching we explore the cells, tissues and bodily structures and give them space. We access physical patterns, tension, gripping, softness and work with those.
We access the places where unexpressed emotion has created tension and work to give these space to be felt and expressed. We work with the fascia, fluids and connections that exist in the body to help things flow. We work with energy centres and the energetic field of the body
This work opens up space in the body and gives a pathway to any sound, movement and energy that is ready to move.
So you can access space. To do things differently.
To access your power
To bring the change.
What happens in a session?
Each journey begins with a creation of the container - this entails a consultation and agreement around consent before your intention setting.
Then the hands on work begins (on a massage bed at least initially) and you are guided into points or 'doorways' in your physical body using touch and sound. You will be invited to use a specific breath to support you in meeting these doorways where you may experience different sensations, memories and emotions. A deeply reverential and compassionate space is held for you to feel, express and be witnessed until a loosening of the grip, a shift, a softening, an integration occurs.
There are many doorways in the body and in a session we will work in specific doorways for the maximum potential for that session.
The session closes with an energetic weaving in of that which has been pulled through and an honouring of that which you carry.
You will be given access to aftercare support and guidance.
And then what?
The work has a way of bringing you into a clearer relationship with the present and with truth.
I walked out of my first session knowing I was in a different relationship to the world. Clearer about what was my responsibility. I stepped outside of the drama triangles I was in and into the centre of my life. I felt relief, relaxation and a powerful sense of clarity that stayed with me for months.
Many people feel very calm and centred after a session, some feel clearer about things that have been confusing for them.
Some feel tingly, energised, alive.
Some feel strong / powerful / inspired.
Some feel like they have been meditating (which in a way they have)
Everyone who receives the work expresses how deep the sensations can be and how direct it is as a therapy.
The work continues to unfold as you interract with your life.
We all need plenty of water afterwards.
How do I find out more
This work is for you if you are ready to get to it.
If you recognise it is your responsibility to work on your stuff.
As part of you holding others in this world.
And you may have some questions about whether it is a fit for you.
Or if you'd rather talk it through first...