Trust - No Small Thing

An enquiry into how trust shows up in this body and what to do when it does...

I am aware that (despite my mostly heart centred approach to life) I have a tendency for my head to dominate.

There is a far to powerful pull of attention back to my thoughts, ideas, beliefs and stories in most things I do and it's tiring and, for me, a 'far too thin’ way to navigate life.

I have learnt a lot about from the world of embodiment about how to understand and temper it and that has been very useful.

And it can still feel like a daily grind.

You know when it doesn't feel like that?

When I am in trust.

Because of the tendency of my brain to like plans and structure and order and control, I usually like to set things up in a way that eliminates unpredictability (ha!)

This is accompanied with a tightness in my body and thoughts (of course it is), that only offers a thin channel through which things are allowed passage.

Can you recognise this?

Can you connect with this somewhere in your own body?

When I work this way, I usually feel a bit disappointed or deflated or dissatisfied afterwards, maybe even a little sad. I have a feeling that something isn't quite right and that's how I know it's a thing that deserves my attention.

And when I give it my attention I realise that I am working in a way that is not in full trust.

How do I know that?

Because when I was with Laura (whom I trust deeply and with whom I recently hosted a retreat) I was called to deeply commit to trust in order to fully hold all the things that were coming up

I felt the difference in my body.

This is what I teach… to pay attention to the emotions, feelings, sensations in the body and what they are pointing us to.Trust for me is experienced as a deep drop in my body followed by an opening.

⭕️ I felt it on the retreat

🖐🏼 I feel it when I am doing bodywork

🎬 I felt it recently working with a film maker to create a short film about my work. And I realised that it requires me to consciously open to it.

To act.

To turn towards it.

It is not a passive thing.

I wrote more about this in my newsletter, so if you're interested in receiving regular letters from me, sign up here.

Tell me in the comments - what does trust feel like to you?

Love, Cat