How do you start the day?

Why trying to do mornings anyone elses way will screw things up even further

I have tried a million different morning routines (including the one that asks you to get up at 5am and immediately start 'bossing the day' or whatever).

🥱 You know the one.

I have also chosen to lay in until I absolutely have to get up (or maybe 15 mins after that)

😬 You probably know that one too?

⛔️ Neither of these work for me and I think I have figured out why (this morning, having had a f*cking beautiful life affirming start to the day).

❤️ Because neither the 5am nor the teenage lay in were inspired by something that felt deeply true to me.They were layered on.

Efforted for in ways that didn't feel sustainable.

They were 'should' heavy.🧪 Not that they weren't incredibly useful experiments.

❤️ And not that I wont ever get up at 5am and 'boss the day' or lay in until it's time for lunch.But if I do these it will be on my terms.

Because I choose to.

And (most importantly) because a deep, intentional and true part of me is on board with the choice.

Creating a life that reflects who we really are (underneath all the noise) involves a lot of listening.


❤️ How you listen is up to you.

👂🏻But you must listen.

⏰ And doing that before 'all the other stuff of the day' can be one of the easiest ways to make sure you do.

But first bring some awareness to how you currently begin your day.

What are you giving your attention to first thing?

What are you choosing?

What does that show you?

Let me know below... x