Support and Mentorship

Karen is an Embodied Movement Coach in her 30’s. She lives with her partner and his young child.
We met in 2018 at a therapeutic centre where we both ran sessions. Since then we have collaborated, conversed, mentored and menteed one another and this is the story.
At the time we met Karen had transitioned into the work as a bodyworker. Here is what she says about that.
“Having moved from Social Work which is highly regulated and into a field where there is a high degree of autonomy this guidance was something I felt I was lacking. I still sought as always to maintain my professionalism and ensure business ethics in my work with clients and was looking for some support around that.
Cat and I had many discussions, brain dumps, conflict resolution moments, shared theories, workshop support, learning and exchanged services.
I found myself reflecting, asked questions of Cat, drawing on her experience and using her guidance to listen to my body and how things felt and showed up.
It has always felt collaborative working with Cat. That we are learning from one another.
I have been grateful for the moments of clarity and guidance in relation to moving my career forward.
The most useful element for me was the the mentorship element and having space to bounce ideas/thoughts/feelings off someone within the industry.. This work can be isolating and hard to navigate alone.
I feel a greater sense of guidance and continuing professionalism and ethical skills within an unregulated field.
I feel embodied in my career and the choices I make.
The support and guidance from Cat, helped me take some decisions and make some choices that find me here today, continuing to do my work with alignment with myself and a greater sense of purpose”.
Karen has always been highly intuitive and aligned in her choices. So in some ways our work together has focused on practical / experiential activity. And lots of discussion about how to navigate business and integrity/intuition and making bank/individualism and collaboration/growth and focus and all the things that are involved in doing the work we love in a sustainable, sensitive and successful way.
More about Karen’s work can be found here:
If you want to call in support for yourself and your people, are looking to expand your offering or are curious about somatic work and the role it can play.