Coaching from Freeze to Freedom

Gemma Barry

Gemma  came for Somatic Coaching sessions in a state of freeze.

She was avoiding her work, not getting things done and experiencing fear, self criticism and general WTFery.

Her intention was to get things moving again.

For some context - she runs her own business, is a peri-menopausal white CIS woman living in London with her husband. She is also a devoted dog mum with a kick ass sense of humour and style.

At the end of the sessions Gemma had this to say

I am in a completely different relationship with my work now, the sessions helped me unearth why I was in freeze, and to soften around it - to let go of some things that were getting in my way and let new ideas in. I saw how my patterns show up and learn how to be with myself with the most self compassion. I am able to commit to showing up for my work in a more honest way, starting my day more gently, taking breaks and being in a much healthier relationship with it all.

What surprised you about the sessions?

The practices can seem really simple, it almost feels like they need to be more complicated, more dramatic but they are so so powerful because they are simple.

Working with the body helps more than talking sometimes, its like tapping into an ancient process - the body just knows and can show you what you need to tend to.

What happened in the sessions?

Well apart from the practices which involve meditation, touch, breathwork, emotional release, grounding, movement - you get mirroring, noticing, support and she asks really good questions, because she is intuitive but also because she can see things I miss - because I am in it. 

Cat’s work allows you to look into the dark corners, it’s not always comfortable but her practices and philosophy is so tender, it allowed all parts of me to be seen.

Then she helps you pull out the threads so they can be worked with.

How did the sessions feel?

So nurturing and absolutely foundational.

It’s like being wrapped in a really supportive blanket, it feels very safe to go deep, to be vulnerable, to rediscover important things about who I am and what I need and then to learnt to work with that.

Why would someone come and do this work?

Its essential to work at this level, no matter what you are aiming for.

Its such an important set of skills to be supported to learn.

It’s like the vitamins and minerals you need to change what you need to change, to thrive actually.

When we met the first time I didn’t know what to expect, I had never had work like that before but it blew me away. 

What’s your biggest takeaway from our time together.

I have a very clear understanding that nothing changes overnight and self compassion is the panacea for whatever you are working on.

Working with an iron fist doesn’t get us anywhere, it is the soft, slow, tender approach that ironically is the way to get there faster, because you can see, feel and allow more that way.

Gemma is a Well Woman Specialist.

You can read more about her amazing work here -

If you want to call in support for yourself and your people, are looking to expand your offering or are curious about somatic work and the role it can play.